Getting Started

Using the PySCF Interface

Let’s build a simple example showing how we can run a ground-state CCSD calculation for the water molecule described with the cc-pVDZ basis set using the interface to PySCF. For this example, we will use the symmetrically stretched geometry from J. Olsen, P. Jørgensen, H. Koch, A. Balkova, and R. J. Bartlett, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 8007 (1996).

First, we need to import the relevant modules from PySCF and prepare a RHF calculation. This is done by first specifying the nuclear geometry and building the Molecule object. Next, an RHF-type MeanField object is constructed, which accepts Molecule as an input in order to execute an RHF calculation. This is all accomplished using the code below

# Import relevant SCF modules from PySCF
from pyscf import scf, gto
# Specify the molecular geometry
geometry = '''O  0.0   0.0       -0.0180
              H  0.0   3.030526  -2.117796
              H  0.0  -3.030526  -2.117796'''
# Construct the PySCF Molecule object described within a specified basis set
mol = gto.M(
# Construct the RHF MeanField object
mf = scf.RHF(mol)
# Run the RHF calculation

In order to run CC calculations on top of this mean-field state using CCpy, we must import the main calculation driver class, called Driver, using the following command

from ccpy.drivers.driver import Driver

The Driver object can be instantiated using the PySCF mean-field object as an input along with the number of frozen spatial orbitals, which should correspond to the chemical core of the molecule. For water, we will freeze the 1s orbital of the oxygen atom. The Driver.from_pyscf() constructor not processes the PySCF MeanField object to obtain and store important information about the system needed for correlated calculations, but also performs AO-to-MO integral transformation and sorting steps, storing the resulting integrals as part of the Driver object. We can execute this driver instantiation step through the PySCF interface as follows

driver = Driver.from_pyscf(mf, nfrozen=1)

The above code will create the Driver object out of the PySCF MeanField object and print an output of the system information. We are now ready to use the Driver object to run correlated CC calculations. For example, a basic CCSD calculation is performed using


Using the GAMESS Interface

Let’s now run the same example using the interface to GAMESS. This is slightly more complicated because we need to run GAMESS separately to obtain the output log file as well as an FCIDUMP file containing the molecular orbital integrals. To accomplish this, we should have a working installation of GAMESS and prepare an input script to run the RHF calculation and produce the associated FCIDUMP. This is done using the following GAMESS input, called h2o-ccpvdz.inp

 $contrl scftyp=rhf runtyp=fcidump units=bohr ispher=+1 $end
 $system mwords=1 $end
 $basis gbasis=ccd $end
 $guess guess=huckel $end
H2O molecule / cc-pvdz
cnv 2
O  8.0   0.000000   0.000000   -0.018000
H  1.0   0.000000   3.030526   -2.117796

Now, we should run this input using whatever configuration of GAMESS is convenient for your machine, for example, using the rungms script included in the GAMESS package distribution. The following execution of the GAMESS program

rungms h2o-ccpvdz.inp | tee h2o-ccpvdz.log

will produce the output file h2o-ccpvdz.log as well as the FCIDUMP file h2o-ccpvdz.FCIDUMP located in the same directory. Now, to use the GAMESS interface of CCpy to begin the CC calculations, we will need to again instantiate the Driver class using mean-field information contained within the GAMESS log file and FCIDUMP. This can be done using the Driver.from_gamess() constructor as follows

from ccpy.drivers.driver import Driver

driver = Driver.from_gamess(logfile="h2o-ccpvdz.log",

which again loads the Driver object with the information about the RHF solution computed with GAMESS, freezing the core 1s oxygen orbital for further correlated calculations. In this case, GAMESS has already executed the AO-to-MO transformation and written the unique integrals in Mulliken notation within the FCIDUMP file, so this construction simply reads in the integrals from the FCIDUMP file and sorts and stores them within the Driver object as before. Once we have the Driver object instantiated, we can use it to run CC calculations. Again, a CCSD calculation is performed with
